Friday, March 20, 2015

Principal's Blog for the week of March 16th-20th

The March Newsletter is posted on the 
High School Webpage. It will provide 
additional details on events, activities, 
photos and calendar reminders.

2015 MCAS Testing Schedule
The MCAS testing season is here.  Please review the following schedule for upcoming exams.

Grade 10 ELA
Tuesday, March 24 (Composition)
Wednesday, March 25 (Sessions 1 & 2)
Thursday, March 26 (Session 3)
Make-up Exams:  Friday, March 27 and Thursday, April 2 (Composition only)

Grade 10 Math
Tuesday, May 12 (Session 1)
Wednesday, May 13 (Session 2)
Make-up Exams:  Thursday, May 14

Biology/Science Tech
Tuesday, June 2 (Session 1)
Wednesday, June 3 (Session 2)
Make-up Exams: Thursday, June 4

Junior Job Shadow
On Tuesday, March 17th, 60 juniors participated in our annual job shadow day program that is organized through the Guidance Department.  This program allows students to observe the skills and knowledge required to be successful on the job. Students who participated had many positive things to say about their day.  Some of the placements include Douglas Police Department, Milford Hospital, WJAR (Channel10) in RI, Blackstone Valley Physical Therapy, and Waters Corporation.

Jeremy Yeomans at his job shadow experience which took place at WJAR TV in Providence.

Social Host Law
As we approach the season for major events like Prom and Graduation we want to remind everyone of the importance of following the State's Social Host Law. 
We have attached for parents and students to reference with regards to the legal impacts of violating the Social Host Law.  
College Admissions Seminar
     On Wednesday night, March 18th students and parents gathered in the auditorium to hear Erin Baffuto, a representative from Massachusetts Educational Financing Authority, speak about the college admissions process and financial aid.  Erin presented many thoughtful ideas on creating college lists, importance of college visits and completing college applications, etc.  Information from the seminar and the college process is available by contacting Mrs. Stack or Mrs. Carpenter in the guidance office or accessing the MEFA website at
St. Patrick's Day Parade
The Douglas High School Marching Band participated in the South Boston Street St. Patrick's Day Parade on Sunday March 15th.

*The mandatory Disney meeting will be held on March 24th from 6-7pm. 
There will be a notary and important paperwork there. All students going to Disney MUST ATTEND!
*Help out Matthew Desilets Senior Project by bringing in food donations to help Kylee’s Care Kits for Kidz. See posters around the school for more possible donations.

*Don’t forget that during all lunches this week Jordan Marcustry will be selling cupcakes for her senior project Cupcakes for Cancer! Prices range from 50 cents to $1.50. All proceeds will be donated to The American Cancer Society. All orders will be delivered next week.
 *Help out Clarissa Morin’s Senior Project by writing an anonymous secret and then place it in the “Post Secret” box located in the library. Later, come see them on the windows for everyone to read!! Secrets must be made presentable and school appropriate.
*The 2015 Nursing Schools EXPO will be held Monday, April 6 from 4:00 to 7:30 at UMASS Medical School in Worcester. If you would like more information about nursing as a career, this is a great opportunity!!  Please see guidance for more information.
Help out Matthew Desilets Senior Project by bringing in food donations to help Kylee’s Care Kits for Kidz. Donation items can include: one hundred percent juice boxes, boxes of macaroni and cheese, Spaghetti O’s and more. See posters around the school for more possible donations. Anything that can be brought in is much appreciated by kids who need it in Leominster. There is a box for donations outside the school office and collections of donations will run through the month of April. Thank you for your participation.
Dear DHS Parents and Guardians,
Our names are Allie Leach and Caroline Forest, we are students at Douglas High School. For our senior project, we are designing this year’s yearbook. Our role as business managers for the yearbook is to help defray the cost of our yearbook so they will be affordable for everyone in the class.

It is our responsibility to include any pictures that you as parents would like to incorporate in the yearbook for your children. The cost of these advertisements varies depending on the size of the message/picture you wish to leave for that senior.

If you are interested in submitting a parent ad, please visit then search Douglas High School, Douglas MA. From here you have three options for your ad: our staff can design it based on photos and text you submit, you can create an ad in another processor and then upload, or you can design your ad yourself online.  You can also purchase yearbooks on this website.  Please submit your ad by April 17th, 2015.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our yearbook advisor, Dylan Nauss at

Thank you!