Friday, February 6, 2015

Principals Blog for the Week for February 2tnd-6th

The February Newsletter is posted on the 
High School Webpage. It will provide 
additional details on events, activities, 
photos and calendar reminders.

Report Cards have been posted in IPASS.
Please take some time to review your student's grades, attendance, behavior and effort comments as well as their assessment of our Academic Expectations.  These assessments are supported by an attachment which details the criteria for each of these expectation.  This is also valuable information for your consideration.
Course Selection process has begun!
Please be aware that our Guidance Department has begun meeting with our students to review the process for selecting next year's courses as well as reviewing the Program of Studies and the Academic Pathways specific to each academic department.  This process will continue through the 12th of February.  Parents are reminded to both review these course selections and to also complete the verification process in IPASS relative to your students selections. A copy of the Program of Studies can be found at the High School web page under the Quick Link section for Guidance.
Ice Hockey
Our Ice Hockey Co-Op with Hopedale and Millis is working its way through its first year.  It has been an exciting process inclusive of some challenges presented by ice times and recent winter weather but our six players have performed well and brought real credit to the school through their work ethic, dedication and demeanor.  We are very proud of the quality of their effort. The six players on the varsity and junior varsity programs are our seniors Cam Davis, Adam Parella and Chris Cicero. Also participating are James Rich, Sam Podolsky and Andrew Pineo.  We also appreciate the efforts of Mr. LaChapelle who has given his time and energy to volunteer and coach the team.  Such a wonderful commitment to our students by Mr. LaChapelle.  It is very much appreciated.

Here are a few action shots for you. 

Sports Update:
Boys Hoop:
The boys hoop team will play WCS tonight at WCS. There has been a change to the schedule and as a result they will play Hopedale here at DHS on Sunday with the JV game at 1:00 and the varsity game starting at 2:30.  They are 9-6 and have qualified for the Clark Tournament drawing Maynard HS.  

Girls Hoop:
The girls hoop team is playing WCS tonight at DHS.  This is their Senior Night and we will recognize Megan Hayes, Ashley Gresian, Shannon Powell and Elissa Piwowarski. The team is also 9-6 and looking to gain a tournament berth with another victory. 

Indoor Track:
Those member of the boys and girls Indoor Track team that qualified for Central Mass District Championships will be competing in this meet tomorrow afternoon at 2:00 at Fitchburg HS.  We wish them good luck in the meet. Many of these athletes have also qualified for the State Meet as well and will participate in this meet in a week.
the snowball dance is Saturday night the 7th in the cafeteria.  The dance is run by the Student Council and is a semi-formal.  A reminder that students cannot leave the dance before 9:00 PM.  It is scheduled for 6:30-10PM.


February 9th -13th
Winter Carnival
Dress up Days
Monday - Fictional Character Day
TuesdaySports Day
WednesdayDress Like a Teacher Day
ThursdayTwin Day
FridaySchool Color Day
Seniors – Red
Juniors – Green
Sophomores- Yellow
Freshman - Orange

February 16th-20th
Winter Break

DHS Announcements:
Attention Seniors: 
Class dues and community service hours must 
be handed in to either Ms. Hackett or 
Mr. Gionet as soon as possible.

Attention Students: 

If you have taken Honors English III or AP English and have a copy of Catcher in the Rye that you would be willing to donate to the English Department please bring them to C119, Mr. Stefan’s room. It is okay if you have written or highlighted in the book. We would greatly appreciate it!!